Sponsor the Pet Parade! This annual tradition is one of the most talked about parades of Chicagoland. It draws tens of thousands of people to the area. The Pet Parade provides fun and entertainment for the entire family!

To participate, businesses are asked to sponsor the parade. This support off-sets the payments given to paid acts like Shriner’s groups and Jesse White Tumblers who ask for a performance fee. Remember to bring entertainment value for the crowd! Ideas: bring a mascot, dress up in a theme, bring a decorated flatbed playing music, perform a dance routine or cheer.

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors:



Most people don’t realize that the parade, on average, costs up to $100,000 per year. The parade attracts thousands of spectators and participants each year. Help support Pet Parade Charities to ensure the longevity of this wonderful family event!


The Presenting Sponsor will be honored in the parade’s title. “The La Grange Pet Parade: Presented by Your Business Name

Presenting Sponsor can also sponsor an entertainment group of their choice (first come, first choice). Examples: Jesse White Tumblers, Medinah Flying Carpets, etc presented by Your Business Name. Plus you are invited to bring your group and follow behind the entertainment act with marketing materials and more.

  • Your logo will have premium placement on the Event Poster hung around town, Pet Parade Line-up online, Volunteer T-shirts, Press Release mentions, and more.
  • Logo on Event Banner at the Start and end of the Parade.
  • Email blast mention to 1,000 local subscribers of the La Grange Pet Parade.
  • Social Media Posts – 3x leading up to the parade – to 2,000 local followers of the parade.
  • Sponsor to receive (5) – 30-second “live commercials” read during parade. (Sponsor to provide copy.)
  • Sponsor invited to participate, following their sponsored entertainment act, with up to 2 vehicles and promo items given out by you.
  • No entries related to political campaigns or promoting political advocacy are allowed. All entries must be approved by Pet Parade Committee.

Sponsor an Entertainment Group of your Choice (first come, first choice), Plus option of sending representatives from your business to follow directly behind the entertainment group. (We will provide a list of available entertainment groups)

    • Your company name and logo will be on a special banner held in front of the entertainment group.
    • For Example: South Shore Drill Team, Jessie White Tumblers, Chicago Blackhawks Tommy Hawk

*** Subject to change based on availability and entertainment selection by Pet Parade Committee***

  • Your logo will have premium placement in the Pet Parade Line up.
  • Logo on Event Banner at the Start and end of the Parade. Premium logo placement displayed on all event promotional materials, volunteer tshirts and poster.
  • Email blast mention to 1,000 local subscribers of the La Grange Pet Parade.
  • Social Media Posts – 2x leading up to the parade – to 2,000 local followers of the parade.
  • Sponsors to receive (4) – 30-second “live commercials” read during parade. (Sponsor to provide copy.)
  • Sponsors can participate directly following their sponsored entertainment group with 2 vehicles and promo items given out by you.
  • No entries related to political campaigns or promoting political advocacy are allowed. All entries must be approved by Pet Parade Committee.

Sponsors can Participate, PLUS Receive (3) – 30-second “live commercials” read during parade and logo featured on marketing materials (Poster, Line-Up, Volunteer T-shirts).

  • Sponsors can participate as with up to 2 vehicles and 50 people.
  • Logo on Event Banner at the Start and end of the Parade.
  • No entries related to political campaigns or promoting political advocacy are allowed. All entries must be approved by Pet Parade Committee.

Sponsors can Participate with up to 2 vehicles and 50 people in your group. Please consider ideas such as costumed characters, classic or unique vehicles, floats, bands, pet-themed or other ways to entertain parade viewers.

  • Your name will be listed as a sponsor on the Pet Parade Line up and on the Pet Parade website.
  • No entries related to political campaigns or promoting political advocacy are allowed. All entries must be approved by Pet Parade Committee.
  • Your company name will be on a 5ft x 3ft banner (Pet Parade will create that banner using the logo you provide) that you hold in a special section of the parade (2 representatives holding and up to 2 people giving out promo materials or candy at curb) Option also to have Scout volunteers hold your banner if you are unavailable.
  • Your name will be listed as a sponsor in the Pet Parade Line up and on the Pet Parade website.

Contact Molly Price by email: molly@lagrangepetparade.org
if you are interested in volunteering for the La Grange Pet Parade or to request more information!


Most people don’t realize that the parade, on average, costs up to $100,000 per year. The parade attracts thousands of spectators and participants each year.” ~ Susan Breen